THQ Prayer Request - South Africa Territory

Prayer Focus 24 – 30 June 2024 Southern Africa Territory Territorial Leaders: Commissioner Torben Eliasen - Territorial Commander Commissioner Denise Eliasen - Territorial President for Women's Ministries Lieut-Colonel Themba Mahlobo - Chief Secretary Lieut-Colonel Nokuthula Mahlobo - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries Prayer requests: Praise: § We praise God for the 12 Champions of the Mission currently in College, pursuing their calling to officership. § We thank God for the successful recommencement of the Territorial Mission Team in 2023 and for its continuation in 2024. Prayer: § Pray for spiritual and numerical growth in the Territory, reflecting genuine transformation and discipleship. § Ask for God's provision and innovative solutions as government financial grants decrease for Social Centres around the Territory. § Pray for an increase in people responding to the call to officership, and that intentional mentoring and discipleship may effectively nurture and prepare future officers. § Pray for God's wisdom and guidance in implementing the Territorial Strategic Plan, overcoming obstacles, and uniting officers and soldiers in mission. Pray for effective resource utilisation and outcomes that glorify God. § Pray for the upcoming Brengle programme to be a time of spiritual renewal and revival, with impactful messages and open hearts to the Holy Spirit's leading. We are grateful for the collective prayers of the International Salvation Army for our Territory!S

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