
THQ Prayer Request - South Africa Territory

Prayer Focus 24 – 30 June 2024 Southern Africa Territory Territorial Leaders: Commissioner Torben Eliasen - Territorial Commander Commissioner Denise Eliasen - Territorial President for Women's Ministries Lieut-Colonel Themba Mahlobo - Chief Secretary Lieut-Colonel Nokuthula Mahlobo - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries Prayer requests: Praise: § We praise God for the 12 Champions of the Mission currently in College, pursuing their calling to officership. § We thank God for the successful recommencement of the Territorial Mission Team in 2023 and for its continuation in 2024. Prayer: § Pray for spiritual and numerical growth in the Territory, reflecting genuine transformation and discipleship. § Ask for God's provision and innovative solutions as government financial grants decrease for Social Centres around the Territory. § Pray for an increase in people responding to the call to officership, and that intentional mentoring and discipleship may effecti

THQ Prayer Request - Indonesia Territory

Prayer Focus 17 – 23 June 2024 Indonesia Territory Territorial Leaders: Commissioner Yusak Tampai - Territorial Commander Commissioner Widiawati Tampai - Territorial President of Women's Ministries Lieut-Colonel Hosea Makagiantang - Chief Secretary Lieut-Colonel Liliana Makagiantang - Territorial Secretary of Women's Ministries Prayer requests: We praise and thank God: § For the answered prayers for our territory in the past year, in which we successfully held the Territory Youth Conference. There were young people who were called to be an Officer. And there are currently 90 cadets being trained and educated at the Training College Jakarta. § We thank the Lord that last year our Territory successfully conducted the Brengle Course for Women Local Officers for a total of 90 people, and they became prayer groups for the Territory, meeting monthly for Bible study and prayer fellowship. § Give thanks for the visit of General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Bucki

THQ Prayer Requests - India Eastern Territory

Prayer Focus 10 – 16 June 2024 India Eastern Territory Territorial Leaders: Colonel Lalhmingliana Hmar - Territorial Commander Colonel Lalhlimpuii Chawngthu - Territorial President of Women's Ministries Lieut-Colonel Prakash Chandra Pradhan - Chief Secretary Lieut-Colonel Rani Phula Pradhan - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries Prayer requests: § Pray for 18 newly commissioned officers of 'Defenders of Justice' session, they they will have fruitful and effective ministries. § There will be 18 cadets in the 'Champions of the Mission' session and 13 cadets in the 'Keepers of Covenant' session. Please pray for these cadets and the training college principal and staff. § Pray that the ongoing division review is successfully accomplished in time. § India is preparing for the Lok Sabha Member of Parliament election in different states this year. Pray that God's chosen people will be elected as Members of Parliament. § Pray for the safet

THQ Prayer Focus - United Kingdom and Ireland Territory

Prayer Focus 3 – 9 June 2024 United Kingdom and Ireland Territory Territorial Leaders: Commissioner Paul Main - Territorial Commander Commissioner Jenine Main - Territorial Leader for Leader Development Colonel Peter Forrest - Chief Secretary Colonel Julie Forrest - Territorial Secretary for Leader Development Prayer requests: § Together24 will take place in Newport, Wales, 12 – 14 July. We pray for this territorial congress which will include the commissioning of new officers and celebrate 150 years of Salvation Army mission and ministry in Wales. § We praise God for the good attendances at recent Design for Life and Exploring Leadership events. We pray for all Salvationists to consider God’s call to spiritual leadership and opportunities to serve. § The Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Department has done vital work to fight for social justice and offer compassionate care since 2011. We pray for the developing partnerships with other Salvation Army territories across Euro

San Jose Christmas Eve Service

What a blessing for San Jose Corps to host and lead our Christmas Eve Service at their chapel. The ARC guys joined us. We had a great time singing and eating together. Praise the Lord! 

Food Pantry Opens

Praise the Lord for our food pantry opening last week Thursday. We are looking forward to this coming Thursday to opening our door. Praise the Lord! 

Bowers Elementary First Event

Bowers Elementary school wanted to help its community and student. This was their first event. Praise the Lord that we were part of it.